Time & Attendance System- Time attendance

Manage Time & Attendance At Work

Time Attendance System

What is time attendance system?

Time and attendance systems are used to monitor when employees start and stop work. A time and attendance system enables an employer to monitor their employees’ working hours and late arrivals, early departures and if they were absent.

card reader

What are the Types of Attendance Management System

From punch cards to biometric systems, time tracking it’s a critical process. When employees arrive at work, they should note their check-in time, and when they leave, they should note their check-out time. As a general rule, workers fill out timesheets just before leaving work.


This process takes place before and after work and in some cases before and after breaks, and then they have to submit their timesheets to HR, on the last day of the week or month. Employee productivity and morale are negatively affected by manual timekeeping practices. Trying to fill in the actual employee timesheet after the day is over can result in inaccuracies & tampering.


Businesses face compliance problems, payroll errors and other challenges without a reliable employee attendance management system. With the replacement of paper timesheets with an attendance management system, businesses can save time, and employee errors, reduce administrative burden and eliminate bottlenecks through daily attendance, therefore increasing workflow and of course profits. An attendance management system pays for itself.

fingerprint card reader

Importance of Attendance Management System

Keeping track of your employees’ wages is essential. It’s also important to determine whether any employees are owed overtime wages.

Additionally, you can determine whether your employees are punctual. Using this information, you can find out whether an employee tends to arrive late or to leave early from work.

Monitoring the attendance of employees can also assist you in tracking how many days each employee takes off.

Biometric benifits

What Does an Attendance Management System Offer You

  1. Maximises productivity
  2. Instils employee discipline
  3. Removes HR burden
  4. Easier overtime tracking
  5. Accurate wage bill


An attendance Management System is a necessary business tool, but it does not mean it needs to be a burden, it offers efficient time tracking, removes pressure from HR and happier employees and therefore higher profitable business

Advantages of Biometric Attendance System